Book Kowa Training Programs

It’s Easy

Browse available dates and book on one of Training Programs

Booking yourself on one of our Training Programs is easy, and it only takes a few moments. Please read everything as you go through the process. There is some vital information.

We don’t take payment through the booking process. We will invoice you once we receive your booking. Bookings are reserved for 7 days but only confirmed once payment has been received.

Book a Place on our 2WUMEL Program

Our 2WUMEL Program is offered with and without accommodation. If you book with accommodation, breakfast and evening meals are also included. You can check in on the Sunday afternoon and don’t need to check out until the Saturday morning. Unless you live very close to the venue, we strongly suggest that you choose the option with accommodation.

If you live close enough to commute or want to organise your accommodation, please select the option without accommodation. Each day starts at 9.00 am sharp, so please allow travel time and aim to arrive no later than 8.45.

Both options include lunch and refreshments during the day.

Our 2WUMEL Programs are primarily aimed at First Nations Evaluators. However, we do have some places available for non-First Nations evaluators. If you are interested in the 2WUMEL Program and do not identify as First Nations, please contact us, and we will get back to you with the options and availability

Book 2WUMEL without Accommodation

Click on a date below and follow the process to book

*Prices are exclusive of GST

Want to know more about the Program?

Before you book, take a few moments to read all about the course.

We have full Course Outline

Book 2WUMEL With Accommodation

Click on a date below and follow the process to book

* Prices are exclusive of GST

Book a Place on our IDS&G Workshops

Our IDS&g Programme is offered in 3 Levels. You must complete Level 1 before progressing to Level 2, and Level 2 before progressing to Level 3.

If you book all 3 Levels at once, we offer a 10% Discount. This will be automatically deducted from your invoice.

All Workshops include lunch and refreshments during the day.

Our IDS&G Programs are primarily aimed at First Nations Evaluators. However, we do have some places available for non-First Nations evaluators. If you are interested in the IDS&G Program and do not identify as First Nations, please contact us, and we will get back to you with the options and availability.

Book IDS&G Workshops

Click on a date below and follow the process to book

*Prices are exclusive of GST

Want to know more about the Program?

Before you book, take a few moments to read all about the course.

We have full Course Outline

Got Questions?

We’re here to help. If you’d rather book over the phone, or have questions you’d like answers to before you book, please give us a call on 0456 162 914.